Former Morman said My wife and I are definitely intro perverts.
Yeh! We're not allowed to have oral sex either, considered a perversion. I'm an etropervert I like to leave the lights on :Well at least a candle
on exmo sites, we have done polls.
people who leave the lds cult lean heavily to the introverted side.
i suspect many extroverts have too much to lose socially to allow themselves to think.
Former Morman said My wife and I are definitely intro perverts.
Yeh! We're not allowed to have oral sex either, considered a perversion. I'm an etropervert I like to leave the lights on :Well at least a candle
a web site called where x-jw's and jw's who pretend to be jw's come to chat about how bad jehovah witnesses are and how they brain washed them etc, would it not be more productive to move on and forget than to let something most of you obviously hate take so much of your time and effort.. for some being a jw is about not being part of the world, what other religion is there that is as moral as a jw.
i am d'fed but i belive that jw's are the true religion.
sure some of them can be self righteous pricks but there imperfect just like anyone else,we all need to focus on us and not worry about what there doing because we can't change them.. .
LOL. Since when do you guys take trolls seriously? I think we could have some more fun with a spitball contest
Forgive me John Doe My mistake but I have to say it sure did feel good though
a web site called where x-jw's and jw's who pretend to be jw's come to chat about how bad jehovah witnesses are and how they brain washed them etc, would it not be more productive to move on and forget than to let something most of you obviously hate take so much of your time and effort.. for some being a jw is about not being part of the world, what other religion is there that is as moral as a jw.
i am d'fed but i belive that jw's are the true religion.
sure some of them can be self righteous pricks but there imperfect just like anyone else,we all need to focus on us and not worry about what there doing because we can't change them.. .
The Ice said "I don't think that people are brainwashed thats just stupid" and that"people that try to push there beliefs that being a witness is wrong on a 80 yr old woman "
Are you calling me stupid for thinking they are? Tell me who on this board is pushing their beliefs on an 80 year old witness? I think you just want to yank a few chains or as we say in OZ Shit stir I for one say Piss off and take your fallicious ad homineum and straw man arguments with you
for immediate family and friends?
?.....why do some of us go nearly crazy cause we cant get them out??
?........why does it matter so much to us?..........some are better off in as they are too old to replace their entire social my folks.
I know where your coming from Oompa. I let go. Stopped bashing my head against the wall. It hurt: I was getting headaches. It's a bit like love, no matter how much you might want someone to love you : You can't make them. And as for running: I am now teaching English in China and loving it. And guess what ? No one ever knocks on my door to tell how bad things are in the world. I doubt the chinese would listen to them anyway. They see the world as it is and always has been and are not likely to trouble themselves with the thought of what it could be. They have careers to pursue families to care for. They are content with their lot in life Sure they want to improve it but they don't put conditions on their happiness saying to thenselves if I had this or if I had that I will be happy
Come to China Oompa
col. 1:15, "firstborn of all creation".
"he is the image of the invisible god, the firstborn of all creation; because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities.
all [other] things have been created through him and for him.
Wow you guys are so smart and Leolaia your beautifull. I am no scholar so please bear with me. Jesus said "the father loves the son" For love to exist their must be an object of that love. If the WT is correct then this primary attribute of God had a beginning with the creation of the Word. Tell me do they still believe that he is also bounded by space living somewhere in the universe. I was a JW once thinking I knew all about God because I knew the name Jehovah when I started reading theology I was humbled by my ignorance. As creatures we can only know what God chooses to reveal about himself. The WT puts him in a box of boundaries Not God at all
yes, the care of choice for any good witness family.
how many of you bought one for the good of field service?
you can be privlidged to take the lead in bringing a life saving message to the masses.
I would choose a sportscar so I could take dear old sister faithfull to the meetings. She finds it hard to climb into those crowded minivans I could get her to meeting faster and the exhilerating ride would be the highlight of her day also with the top down the fresh air would be good for her health. The envy of all the oldies Go Granny
i am interested in learning what you think are the reasons for having two watchtowers.
( not the party line) how is it put into practise and is it working?.
I am interested in learning what you think are the reasons for having two Watchtowers. ( Not the party line) How is it put into practise and is it working?
usually we marry someone we know and love as a person.
my marriage 20 years broke up after i began to question my faith in the wt my wife was so fearfull.
so was i: i did not want to believe that i had been deceived but i could not deny what i learnt and continue to live a lie in the so called truth.
My wife agreed to go with me to a so called worldly counsellor. He simply told her she had cognative dissonance that no matter what I said she would find fault with it. He said look I'll prove it and asked me to talk about the weather. Having proved his point he then said to her Only you can change that. After we left she held my hand. We were like a honeymoon couple again. Did she love me YES was she allowed to NO because it did not take very long for the JW mindset to kick in. Some of you talk about normal marriage relationships and I agree with what you say But this was not normal This was mind controll. At one time she was open to reason and was asking me questions I did not give her answers I gave her the reasons why I now thought the way I did, allowing her to draw her own conclusions She felt uncomfortable with the conclusions she was coming to and spoke to the elders about them. They said "Be carefull that I was very clever(inferance devious,cunning a threat) with my arguments" Thats it thats all they had to say and she stopped thinking for herself Now that is controll
usually we marry someone we know and love as a person.
my marriage 20 years broke up after i began to question my faith in the wt my wife was so fearfull.
so was i: i did not want to believe that i had been deceived but i could not deny what i learnt and continue to live a lie in the so called truth.
When you marry a JW, you do not marry a person, you marry a JW borg drone.
Well put. But I would like to add that there are degrees of droneness(is that a word) Suppressed In the background there is I believe the authentic self (who you are without the WT indoctrination) ie: After I was DF'd I continued to enjoy and still do a good relationship with my JW mother now 82 years old. One time when I asked her "Why didn't you disown me" She simply replied "Your my son"
usually we marry someone we know and love as a person.
my marriage 20 years broke up after i began to question my faith in the wt my wife was so fearfull.
so was i: i did not want to believe that i had been deceived but i could not deny what i learnt and continue to live a lie in the so called truth.
Usually we marry someone we know and love as a person. My marriage 20 years broke up after I began to question my faith in the WT My wife was so fearfull. So was I: I did not want to believe that I had been deceived but I could not deny what I learnt and continue to live a lie in the so called truth. My personal values and character had not changed. I still loved her and cared for and I was carefull not to threaten and challenge her security her faith in the Org but it was not enough I was demonised a threat not because she witnessed anything that I did that would even remotely suggest that I was now an evil person but because I had left the so called truth.
So I ask myself was the marriage real Did she marry me or a watchtower clone. Are JW marriages real?